Nearby Monuments and Attractions in San Francisco

Golden Gate National Recreation Area
View Larger Map Welcome to the Golden Gate National Parks!
One of the world's largest urban national parks, Golden Gate National Recreation Area hugs the California coastline for nearly 60 miles in and around San Francisco.
For our neighbors who live and work in the Bay Area, we are their "backyard" national park. The place where they windsurf, walk the dog, go for a run, or bring their kids to explore nature and get a taste of history.
The park also attracts visitors from across the country and around the world, a total of 17 million annually are drawn here by the unparalleled recreational opportunities, stunning natural beauty, and riveting stories.
Where else can you experience a "working" Nike Missile Site, the isolation of a maximum security federal prison, the conversion of an abandoned airfield into hundreds of acres of productive coastal wetlands, and some of the best beaches and hiking trails in the nation? And then take a cable car to dinner?
Golden Gate NRA Facilities in the Bay
Open All Year Wednesday to Sunday, 9 am to 5 pm
(415) 561-7690
Crissy Field Center 603 Mason at Halleck, Presidio
Special Programs
The Center acknowledges the interdependence of peoples, cultures and environments and therefore encourages socially and ecologically responsible actions that respect the earth and its natural and urban communities. The physical and social landscape of the Crissy Field area has taken on many different faces, from the Native Americans to today's National Park. At each phase in history, the environment was impacted in a significant way. The Crissy Field Center seeks to recognize this history in an innovative approach to environmental education, using the resources of our National Park. The building was completely renovated using sustainable building materials. Today, the Center includes a media lab, resource library, arts workshop, urban ecology lab, gathering room, and kitchen-providing fun, provocative and educational experiences for people of all ages.
Available Facilities
Administration Phones (all phone numbers are in area code 415): General 561-7690 Administrative Offices 561-7752 Fax 561-7695 Bookstore 561-7761 Café 561-7756 Program Phones (all phone numbers are in area code 415): Community Partner Projects 561-7751 Weekend Workshops & Classes 561-7752 School Programs 561-7763 Parks to People 561-4318
Visitor Centers
Alcatraz Island Visitor Center
Open All Year
(415) 705-1042
Alcatraz Island is located in the middle of the San Francisco Bay. A ferry, located at Pier 41 will take you to the island. Just remember to make your reservation in advance since this popular attraction tends to fill up fast.
Christmas and New Year's Day. There are various locations on the island that are closed off to the general public certain times of the year, due to the nesting of a variety of sea birds. Please be sure to ask a ranger for more information at the closed areas.
Special Programs
There are various ranger-led programs on a daily basis on Alcatraz. Be sure to check out the ranger programs at the dock as soon as you get off the boat for any of the popular programs on the island. There is also an audio tour that you can get either at the pier or on the island. For more information on ticket reservation call (415) 981-ROCK [415.981.7625] or go to
Available Facilities
There are limited bathroom facilities on the island. They are located at the dock and at the top of the island. Aside from the limited bathroom facilities, due to the lack of water, there is place where food can be purchase on the island. Picnic areas are designated only at the dock area, to assist in localizing the trash produced and to keep the island clean.
Fort Point Bookstore
Friday, Saturday, Sunday 10 AM to 5 PM
(415) 556-1693
The Fort Point Bookstore is located inside the fort, underneath the south anchorage of the Golden Gate Bridge, on the northernmost part of the Presidio.
Monday through Thursday, Thanksgiving, Christmas, and New Year's Day. Due to the retrofitting of the Golden Gate Bridge there are a few areas that will be closed off to visitation. For your own safety, please stay clear of these areas. If you have questions regarding the restoration, please ask one of the rangers.
Special Programs
There is a cannon loading demonstration, where visitors get a "hands-on" opportunity to learn about the firing of Civil War artillery. There is also a tour of the fort led by one of the staff on a daily basis. If that's not something you're interested in perhaps you may want to try the audio tour of the fort. You can rent these headsets from the Fort Point Bookstore and wander through the fort at your own pace. For more information on the bookstore, please feel free to call (415) 673-5642.
There are various exhibits within the fort itself, where the Fort Point Bookstore is also located. On the first floor there is an exhibit about the construction and Civil War solider responsibilities. On the second floor there are two photo exhibits. One depiciting the roles of women in the military, Women at War. The other is about the lives of African-American soldiers and their struggle for acceptance. On the third floor there is an exhibit about the construction of the Golden Gate Bridge. Visit their website for more information.
Available Facilities
At this time there are only portable toilets located outside the fort. To find them walk south from the fort (away from the fort), approximately 140 yards. You will find them just to the right after the lawn.
Marin Headlands Visitor Center
Open All Year 9:30 AM to 4:30 PM
(415) 331-1540
The Marin Headlwands Visitor Cetner is located in the historic Fort Barry Chapel, at the intersection of Field and Bunker Roads. The Visitor Center is approximately 3 miles from either entrance to the Marin Headlands.
Thanksgiving, Christmas, and New Year's Day.
Special Programs
Rangers answer questions and lead scheduled interpretive walks and programs.
The Center's exhibits introduce the Headland's natural history and trace the area's human history from the days of the Miwoks through modern times. You can see how a hawk flies and look through a microscope at the hidden life of local ponds. A Miwok shelter invites you inside to listen as present-day Coast Miwok people talk about their lives. A shop carries a good selection of books and field guides about the area.
Available Facilities
Bathroom facilities are available inside the building.
Muir Woods Visitor Center
Open All Year 8:00 AM to sunset
(415) 388-7368
Muir Woods Visitor Center is located at the entrance to Muir Woods, approximately 12 miles north of the Golden Gate Bridge. The visitor center is located at the main entrance.
Last Sunday of January, the park closes at 6:00 PM; the 2nd Sunday of March, the park closes at 7:00 PM; the 1st Sunday of April, the park closes at 8:00 PM; the 2nd Sunday of September, the park closes at 7:00 PM; Last Sunday of October, the park closes at 6:00 PM; the 1st Sunday of November, the park closes at 5:00 PM.
Visit the Muir Woods website for more information.
Special Programs
For more information on park programs please check out our quarterly ParkNEWS Online.
Pacific West Regional Information Center
Open All Year Monday to Friday, 10:00 AM to 4:30 PM
(415) 561-4700
The Pacific West Region Information Center is located on the first floor of building #201 at Fort Mason. Fort Mason, the headquarters for the GGNRA, is located at the cross streets of Bay and Franklin, in San Francisco.
The information center is closed on holidays and weekends.
Information about all of the National Parks located in the Pacific West Region can be found in this office. Pamphlets and other visitor information can be found in the room across from the information center. Volunteers are also available to answer questions. Visit their website for more information.
Presidio Visitor Center (Located in the Presidio Officer's Club)
Open All Year 9:00 AM to 5:00 PM
(415) 561-4323
Located on the main post at 102 Montgometry & Lincoln Blvd. on the Presidio of San Francisco.
Thanksgiving, Christmas, and New Year's Day. The William Penn Mott, Jr. Visitor Center is currently located at the Officer's Club on the main post.
Special Programs
Currently there is a video about William Penn Mott Jr. the namesake of the visitor center, and one of the pioneers of modern park ideas. For more information on park programs please check out our quarterly ParkNEWS Online.
Currently under construction. There are also rotating exhibits as well. Visit their website for more information.
Point Bonita today is part of the largest urban national park in the United States, the Golden Gate National Recreation Area. A secret jewel of the Bay Area, Point Bonita is still an active lighthouse. The U.S. Coast Guard maintains the lighthouse and the National Park Service provides access to visitors.
Point Bonita Lighthouse is reached by a halfmile trail that is steep in parts. Discover Point Bonita's wild landscape, geology and fascinating history. The tunnel halfway to the lighthouse is open only during visiting hours: Saturdays, Sundays & Mondays 12:30 p.m. to 3:30 p.m.
Visiting the Marin Headlands
From the North
• Take Hwy 101 southbound.
• Exit at second Sausalito exit, just before the Golden Gate Bridge.
• Bear right onto Alexander Avenue; proceed back under the freeway.
• Follow Alexander Avenue 0.2-miles; turn left onto Bunker Road.
From the South
• Take Hwy 101 northbound across the Golden Gate Bridge.
• Exit Alexander Avenue; bear right.
• Follow Alexander Avenue 0.2-miles; turn left onto Bunker Road.
Directions to Point Bonita Lighthouse
• On Bunker Road, pass through one way Baker-BarryTunnel.
• Follow Bunker Road 3-miles; turn left on Field Road.
• Follow Field Road 0.8-miles to Point Bonita parking lot and trailhead.
• Walk the 0.5-mile trail to the lighthouse.
For more information
Marin Headlands Visitor Center
Fort Barry, Building 948
Sausalito, CA 94965
(415) 331-1540